Professional Profiles

The course prepares for the professional activities of: international legal operator for companies and other private entities; international area officer at Public Administrations, executive operator in international representative offices of Italian Public Administrations; officer and operator in national, European Union and international bodies and institutions. Graduates can continue their studies in a two-year master's degree program both in Italian and English, in Italy or abroad.

Employment opportunities

The IECoLS course of studies trains professionals capable of dealing with the diversity of legal contexts in a global market, thanks to a legal preparation with a strong European, international and comparative vocation, integrated with the acquisition of skills in economic matters, with the knowledge of foreign languages, with the study of the main themes of environmental, economic and social sustainability. The structure of the course, which provides theoretical training accompanied by practical experience through internships and placements in public and private bodies that operate in international contexts, allows the student to access the world of work both in Italy and abroad, as well as to continue their studies in Italy or abroad.

Professional roles

Profile 1

International legal operator in banking, financial and insurance companies and international legal operator for SMEs: provides legal advice, both generic and international; coordinates, develops and maintains international relations of the company, including in the relationship with international institutional entities; deals with the investigation of documents and the preparation of specific procedures; provides consultancy in the field of management, control and support to the legal office in litigation. Has linguistic skills and knows the specialized legal language; has the ability to work in a team; knows the Italian and foreign regulations on specific sectors.

Profile 2

Foreign trade area referent for Italian and foreign Chambers of Commerce and international referent for trade associations: provides technical assistance to companies with foreign interests; supports local companies in their search for international partners; provides consultancy on design in response to Calls issued by the European Union; knows the main organizations aimed at promoting Italian companies in their relations with foreign countries (Chambers of Commerce, ICE Agency, etc.); knows the national legal system, the European Union legal system and the fundamental characteristics of the main foreign legal systems. Has expertise in international contracts and trade; has linguistic skills; has the ability to work in a team and coordinate multidisciplinary groups.

Profile 3

Public Administration Official with a specific vocation for contact with foreign countries; official of a level comparable to the permanent official in European institutions and other international organizations: manages external relations with foreign and supranational entities; supervises the investigation of administrative acts also of foreign relevance; drafts texts of legal relevance and analysis on legal issues of Project management. Knows the law applicable to the PA at national and European level; has specific skills in geopolitics and international relations; has linguistic and communication skills; has the ability to work in teams and multidisciplinary groups.

Vantaggi e agevolazioni

